What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a detailed plan published by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing policy institute, with input from many prominent Republicans



Their stated purpose is to “Liberate the American people & allow them to have self-government from the tyranny of the administrative state.”




Project 2025 will:


•    Restructure the federal government to drastically increase presidential power, dismantle the separation of powers, & reduce accountability.


•    Impose Schedule F status for tens of thousands of federal employees to allow the President to replace career civil servants with unqualified partisan loyalists, destroying the merit-based system of selecting government employees under the 1883 Pendleton Act [page 80].


Trump already attempted to impose Schedule F in his 1st term. The Heritage Foundation is currently compiling a database of loyalists to serve in Trump's potential 2nd term.


After filling out a job application, Project 2025 & RNC applicants are interviewed by Trump advisers. They are asked about their loyalty to Trump & whether they believe the 2020 election was "stolen."



•    Put all government agencies under presidential control. The President will be able use the government (DOJ, FBI, etc.) to go after & jail his enemies (like Putin), including anyone who speaks out against him (undermining freedom of speech) [page 43, 825, also in Trump's Agenda47].

•    Deploy the military for domestic law enforcement to suppress protests or dissent under the Insurrection Act of 1807.


Trump already threatened to do this during his last term.



•    Bring back "impoundment" where the executive branch can refuse to spend money provided by Congress, which was declared illegal in 1974.

•    Prohibit the FBI from combating the spread of disinformation [page 550].


Russia, China, & Iran are actively trying to interfere with American elections, according to US intelligence agencies.




•    Prevent the CDC from advising that school children should be masked or vaccinated, which could lead to outbreaks & resurgence of preventable diseases [page 454 ].

•    Significantly weaken or disband the EPA [page 421], FBI [page 317, 571, 581, 583], FCC [page 857], & FTC [page 904]


•    Abolish the DHS [page 121], CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) [page 874], NOAA [page 674], & Department of Commerce [page 663]. Privatize the TSA [page 166].


•    Outlaw abortion, the abortion pill , & IVF [page 38, 450, 458].



Even though Project 2025 is now pretending to moderate their position on abortion, their job application shows their true position.




•    Outlaw pornography [page 5].


"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned."—Project 2025



•    Monitor pregnant women [page 450, 471].


•    Destroy the separation of church & state, & install Christian nationalism [page 4, 261, 351, 481, 560, 581, 589].


•    Abolish the Department of Education [page 319].


"President Trump pledges to close the Department of Education."—Agenda47


•    Defund public schools, & use taxpayer money to fund private & religious schools [page 5, 319, 350, & 351].

•    Promote homeschooling [page 348].

•    Create a new federally operated university called the "American Academy" (to indoctrinate "patriots") & a Presidential Administration Academy to "educate" political appointees.

•    Impose 10% tariffs on all imported goods [also in Trump's Agenda47], which will significantly increase domestic prices.


Trump falsely said about these tariffs, "A lot of people like to say it’s a tax on us. No, no, no; It’s a tax on a foreign country. And it’s a tax that doesn’t affect our country."


The Cato Institute, a right-wing, Libertarian think tank said, "Trump’s Tariff Plan Will Raise Prices for Consumers."


Even Project 2025's job application acknowledges that tariffs raise prices.


•    Reduce the number of tax brackets from 7 to 2 (many lower & middle class taxpayers will pay more, while many high earners will pay less), & lower corporate tax rate to 18% [page 696].


•    Introduce a consumption tax, such as a National Sales Tax, which will increase prices of everything purchased [page 698].


•    Drastically cut entitlements like Social Security, Medicare [page 465], Medicaid [page 466], & Veteran's benefits [page 643, 649].


•    Defund public broadcasting, including PBS & NPR [page 246].


These are just the main points.


Project 2025 does the exact opposite of its stated goal.

It is the blueprint for a Fascist/Authoritarian takeover of America.


Since receiving backlash, the Heritage Foundation has been doing damage control & pretending to soften their positions...

don't let them fool you.

Read for yourself in their original plan.


Who is behind Project 2025?



81% of the people who wrote Project 2025 had formal roles in Trump's administration.
Over 240 people appointed or employed by Trump are involved in Project 2025, including Paul Dans, Steven Groves, Brendan Carr, Ben Carson, Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Dearborn, John McEntee, Christopher Miller, Stephen Miller, Peter Navarro, John Ratcliffe, Russ Vought, & Paul Winfree.

Over 700 members of Trump's administration were hand-picked by the Heritage Foundation, including Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, & Jeff Sessions.
The foreward for the Heritage Foundation's book about Project 2025 was written by J.D. Vance, Trump's pick for Vice President.
Trump's National Press Secretary, Karoline Leavitt, appears in a Project 2025 recruitment video.
Trump's Make America Great Again Pac created the website, TrumpProject2025.com
Trump put the architects of Project 2025 in charge of writing his & the Republican platform.
Just 2 years into his presidency, the Heritage Foundation touted that Trump had instituted 64% of its policy recommendations.
Trump effusively praised the Heritage Foundation in a 2022 speech and said he counts on them for his policies...


“They’re going to lay the groundwork & detail plans for exactly what our movement will do, when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America, and that’s coming."—Donald Trump


Since receiving backlash, Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025... don't let him fool you.


Trump is inextricably tied to Project 2025.

Over 270 proposals in Project 2025 match Trump's past policies & current campaign promises.


This time, there is no one left to stop him.