Online Posts by Trump

These are posts made to Trump's personal social media accounts.




The courts, states, Republican House, Attorney General, DOJ, & Trumps own investigators found no evidence of widespread cheating or fraud.


After a suspicious fire in the Reichstag building (similar to our Capitol building), Nazis blamed it on a Communist uprising. Hitler used the fire as an excuse to pass an emergency decree suspending their constitution, drastically increasing his power.


Like Hitler & other Authoritarians, Trump is trying to use his "Big lie" to suspend our Constitution, the foundation of America, to drastically increase his power.


Our Founders made clear that upholding the Constitution is paramount.



No president has ever argued that they needed full immunity to do their job, except Trump.


Our country was founded on the bedrock principle that "no one is above the law," not even presidents.


We fought for our independence from Britian to escape from having to live under a king.



MSNBC is a cable channel & not broadcast over the airwaves.


Stations that broadcast over the air pay for broadcast licenses, they are not using FREE airwaves.


Criticizing Trump is not illegal or ELECTION INTERFERENCE, it is a 1st Amendment right, just as it is when Fox News criticizes Biden.


However, making up fake stories & broadcasting them can have consequences, like when Fox News had to pay Dominion Voting Systems $787.5 million in damages for airing false election-fraud claims.


Smartmatic also filed a lawsuit against Fox News for $2.7 billion for “engaging in a conspiracy to spread disinformation about Smartmatic."


Trump using our government to "come down hard on them" would not only violate our Constitution, it would be an unprecedented abuse of power.


Trump also said the government should take away ABC's license for fact checking his 9/10/24 debate with Kamala Harris, which would also be Unconstitutional & an abuse of power.

State & federal judges, many appointed by Trump himself, found no proof of election fraud or irregularities in more than 50 lawsuits brought by Trump & his allies.


These false claims not only undermine US elections, they give Trump ammunition to go after his political enemies & an excuse to dispute the next election if he loses.



Holiday posts